
  • 4 in stock
  • Additional 4 ready to ship within 2-3 days


  • Usually ships in 3-5 business days

For on-site repair and support, call us at 1-704-448-2212 or email

  • IC697ADC701RMN



  • 12MHz, 80C186 microprocessor
  • Access to PLC memory
  • Reset pushbutton
  • Three status LEDs
  • Soft Configuration (no DIP switches or jumpers) with MS-DOS or Windows-based programming software configuration function
  • Fill-in-the-blank system building
  • Pop-up windows; pull-down menus
  • 15 user-definable function keys per screen
  • Printer logging to a serial printer


The GE-Emerson IC697ADC701 Series 90-70 Alphanumeric Display Coprocessor is programmed to perform Alphanumeric Display System display, report, and alarm functions through an Operator Interface Terminal, which can be an OIT or Mini OIT, a VT100 compatible terminal, or an IC647 industrial computer or IBM compatible personal computer running TERMF. It communicates with the IC697 CPU over the system backplane.

Up to 63 Alphanumeric Display Coprocessors can be supported in a single IC697 PLC system and can be located in either the main rack or expansion racks. 

Operation of the module may be initialized by depressing a pushbutton on the module or by an attached ADS (PCOP) development system. The status of the ADC is indicated by three green LEDs on the front of the module.