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  • IC695RMX128RMN



  • 128 MB SDRAM
  • 580 mA @ +3.3VDC or 220 mA @ +5VDC (from RX3i power supply)


The GE-Emerson IC695RMX128 PACSystems RX3i Redundant Memory Xchange Module operates either as a solitary node within a reflective memory topology or functions as a dedicated memory module for a redundant RX3i CPU pair. Through a reflective memory link, any modification made on one node is mirrored and updated across all other nodes interconnected within the same network. This connectivity is established using a fiber-optic network and has the capacity to accommodate connections for up to 256 nodes.

The IC695RMX128 is designed for use within redundancy systems and is not suitable for executing general-purpose memory exchange functions. Additionally, the establishment of a comprehensive communication path is essential to successfully create a memory exchange network.