How Qualitrol's quality products can save your business money

by Qualitrol Support Team

Saving money when it comes to PLC parts doesn’t have to be complicated — Qualitrol makes saving money on your PLC parts easy with our remanufacturing and repairing processes. Backed by our 2-year warranty, we offer what no other distributor can — peace of mind when you get your parts, and dollars saved for your business!

Save money on remanufactured PLC parts

New parts for your PLC are expensive, and if you’ve got several PLCs to keep running, this can get pricey for your business. Remanufactured PLC parts from Qualitrol not only save your money, but our quality ensures these parts will work just like new parts. At Qualitrol, only our IPC 7711/7712 certified technicians remanufacture the PLC parts. They carefully inspect parts, repair any damaged components, and ensure the lead-free integrity of the product. Our quality technicians handle PLC remanufacturing with the care and attention to detail that few other places can provide.

After they inspect and repair any damaged components, they put the remanufactured PLC parts through rigorous testing to ensure they’ll work for you no matter what. This is why we back our parts with our exclusive 2-year warranty. We’re sure your part will work for you the first time and every time after that when you save money with Qualitrol.

Get PLC repairs done in a snap

Repairing PLC parts can be a hassle—you’ve got to send it off, wait for the repair, and all the while your PLC is sitting out of commission and your business is losing money. With Qualitrol, our expert technicians have your repairs covered. Send your repair to us and we’ll get it back to you as quickly as possible in detailed packaging and cleaned to look like new. If there are any damaged components on your part, we’ll repair them with new components. If we need to hand-solder anything, it’ll look indistinguishable from the original joints. Best of all, we’ll get your part back to you in no time. Trust Qualitrol when your PLC is down to get you the part you need, fast. With our quality parts and expert technicians, you can be sure your PLC will be up and running again with the finest quality repair.

Our 2-year warranty protects your PLC parts

Nothing speaks for our quality more than our 2-year warranty on all repairs and remanufactured PLC parts. When it comes to saving money, our warranty’s got you covered. Since we put our parts through testing and inspection, and hand-clean them, we’re so sure our quality will deliver for your PLC that we back up that belief with a promise to fix it again in case anything goes wrong or you’re not happy. Let our 2-year warranty protect you when you need a PLC part repair or a remanufactured part. Other places can’t give you this kind of security while saving money on one of your business’s most valuable assets.

Be reassured that Qualitrol’s quality is there to save you money and deliver what you need. Don’t trust your machine’s parts to just anyone. Qualitrol has unsurpassed quality and testing regimens to deliver on the part you need or the repair you need fast. Let us take care of your PLC parts — you’ll be impressed at how much money our quality repairs and remanufactured PLC parts can save you at Qualitrol.